Stazione Molveno - Project Line Official WebSite

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The project is part of the redevelopment and enhancement of  summer& winter resort “Pradel", Projectline especially took care of the valley station.
The new station, built after demolishing the existing, is located 30m upper  the present stage and comport little variations of embarkation  altitude.


  • Erection drawings

  • Assembly drawings

  • Bill of materials and workshop drawings

features of building

ProjectLine was responsible for the steel structure of the new ski station. The structure is divided into two blocks: the tower and boarding area, linked together with a knot hinge made by pins. The tower is connected to the concrete by interlocking knots and is made with round tube columns and H-shape beams. The embarkation,  performed with trusses tipping of round tube, stands on a reinforced concrete structure, already existing behind the mountain.


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